Here’s what’s on the mind of some of the voters at the polls for Town Council elections today
By Justin Chapman, Altadena Patch, 6/12/2011
A constant stream of voters flowed through the polling places on Saturday, with many of the voters showing up to vote for the only two contested Altadena Town Council seats in census tracts 4602 and 4610 today.Patch spoke with people voting in Farnsworth Park and Gordy's Garage about what motivated them to get out and vote in an unincorporated town where voter turnout is historically very low and what issues are important to them in their census tracts.
Many voters spoke about the need to continue building the tight-knit Altadena community as well as issues such as parking, crime, traffic, education and the , business-friendly approaches to bolster Altadena's local economy, and the and what that would mean for West Altadena.
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