City Council Meeting Preview

There are quite a few items up for discussion at tonight’s meeting after the council takes action on a few Consent Calendar items, such as the proposed Canyon Zoning Ordinance

By Justin Chapman, Sierra Madre Patch, 3/22/2011

Consent Calendar:
A) Payments made by the city to various obligations including payroll and library expenses, city warrants such as bills, invoices, and contractual obligations incurred by the city, and a host of other expenses documented in the city council agenda packet.
B) The city typically makes payments on behalf of the Community Redevelopment Agency, then the city adds that amount to the total amount owed back to the city by the CRA. The total amount expected to be approved tonight is $2,730.
C) The third item on the Consent Calendar is the second reading of the proposed Canyon Zone Ordinance 1313, which would amend portions of the General Plan Land Use Map in and near the canyon. It would also add Chapter 17.30 to Title 17 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code, which reflects the changes made during the first reading of this ordinance at the March 8 council meeting and would establish a Residential Canyon Zone (R-C). This is an issue that has been debated for months and would become official if approved tonight.
D) The project to remodel the Sierra Madre Room was awarded to CA Construction, Inc., of Riverside effective last July. According to the staff report, the remodeling is substantially completed so staff will be making a recommendation to the council to authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion.
E) A resolution will be put forth requesting the approval of a temporary use permit to allow for the closure of E. Laurel Avenue, between N. Canon Avenue and Sycamore Place, for the purpose of replacing a utility pole.
F) The Sierra Madre Congregational Church has rented Memorial Park in its entirety for Sunday, March 27, to celebrate their 125th anniversary. They are requesting a fee waiver of $450 from the city for the cost of hiring a public safety officer at that event. Staff is recommending that the council deny the fee waiver.
The first item up for discussion is an informational report requesting more information and is expected to be received and filed by the council. At the Jan. 25 council meeting, the City Manager was authorized to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments for participation in the Southern California Edison California Long-Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan program, according to the staff report.
Then the council will discuss mid-year financial statements and conduct a discussion of the city's FY 2011-2013 budget priorities. The council is expected to discuss pensions, which has been a hot button issue recently.
Next up on the discussion list is a review of the Request for Proposal for technical support assistance that was recommended to the council by the General Plan Steering Committee. According to the staff report, "a jurisdiction is legally required to prepare an updated existing conditions database that describes the existing physical and environmental conditions in the community.
The Sierra Madre Fire Department and the Police Department have submitted their 2010 Annual Reports on public safety, which the council is expected to receive and file.
The council will then discuss staff recommendations on locations for the council to consider to be included in a Request for Proposal to re-institute a Farmer's Market in the City of Sierra Madre.
To round up the meeting before public comment, public hearing, and other items on every agenda, Councilmember MacGillivray will report on updates regarding the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the Community Economic and Human Development Sub-Committee of SCAG, of which Councilmember MacGillivray is the Sierra Madre City Council's representative.
Look for full coverage of the city council's discussion and decisions tomorrow on Sierra Madre Patch.